BeautyCon London 2015
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I've taken a break in my room cleaning and revising in order to talk to you about BeautyCon London, which happened last Saturday (May 23rd)! BeautyCon is an American event that had it's international debut right here in London
I won two tickets for it which was really exciting, and I managed to fit time in to go between work and revision. I decided to drag my boyfriend along for the day since he was in London anyway, and it meant he could help me find the exhibition centre as navigation is not my strongest point!
I had work the night before until 2:30am, which meant that when my alarm clock woke me up at 7:30 in the morning I was extremely tired, and nearly crawled back into bed and didn't bother - but I'm so glad I hauled my ass out of bed!
When my boyfriend and I went inside the BeautyCon hall, I was immediately super excited to see the huge balloons spelling out BeautyCon. Unfortunately I didn't have time to get a picture with them, but they were seriously cool.
The first thing that greeted me after the balloons was a massive queue at a station labelled "Meet and Greet 1". I'd had a bit of a look at the itinerary but thought I'd have a look at who was round the corner. It was Estée from Essie Button! I quickly joined the queue, and queued for a little under an hour. There were about 20 people in front of me, when suddenly the organisers cut us off and said we couldn't meet her! I was so upset because I'd queued for so long and I really like her, but she came past me walking down the queue and luckily I managed to grab her for a selfie, so I was happy! I was just disappointed I didn't get to properly chat, but never mind.
The next thing I did was wander round and explore parts of the exhibition room, but I wasn't too interested in queueing for ages to get my nails done or eyebrows done or anything, and my boyfriend definitely wouldn't have stood for that!
After a little while I wandered back to the meet and greet area, and who was there? Only Fleur deForce! I had a mini freak out because I didn't even know she was going, and hastily joined the queue (much to Justin's delight). I met two lovely girls in the queue who I had a chat with, and then I was first in line and walking towards one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. And Fleur was honestly one of the nicest people I've ever met, she gave me a hug and chatted about Beautycon and took a photo with me. It was so cool to meet her as she's such an influential beauty guru, and was even more stunning in real life than she is in her videos.
Then I wandered around a bit more and noticed Niomi Smart just wandering around doing a bit of shopping, so I immediately went over and asked if I could get a photo. She looked so pretty, and was really nice about it and took a photo with me, which was so lovely of her.
After having a bit of a break and another wander I noticed a large group of people clumped around a barrier, and just joined it. I had a little suspicion that they were waiting to start a queue for meeting Tyler, as he was going to be there in about an hour. Nobody around me really knew what we were queuing for until finally someone asked the organisers and they told us it really was the queue for Tyler! Everyone immediately went nuts, and then the organisers organised us into the Pro ticket holder queue and the regular ticket queue. And then we sat and waited. And waited. And waited for an hour until FINALLY one of the organisers said he was there. And then everyone went crazy again. Unfortunately as I just had a general admission ticket I had to wait for all of the fancy all included ticket holders to meet him before I could, but when I saw him I didn't even mind that I'd been waiting over an hour and a half. I walked over to him, and he said "Hey, how are you? What's your name?" and I told him, and then he said "Oh my gosh you're so cute".. AAAAAAAAAA. Tyler flipping Oakley thinks I'm cute. He gave me loads of hugs, and then we posed for photos, and then I told him it was great to meet him and that I loved him on Ellen DeGeneres. And then, just like that, it was over and the next person was meeting him. It was absolutely incredible to meet him, I've watched his videos for years, and watched him grow into the most incredible human being. He was so lovely, and didn't just stand there and take pictures like some people do, but instead he made sure to have a chat with everyone who was there *and believe me, there were so many people queueing up to meet him!*
***Photos from instagram, come follow me here! I'm nearly at 200 followers! I'll check out all of my new followers and maybe give you a follow!***
I also got to see a bit of a panel with the likes of Lily, Anna, Samantha and Lucy&Lydia on!
The one thing I was sad about was that Louise (Sprinkle of Glitter) wasn't able to make it, as I'd have loved to have seen her :(
So overall I had a fantastic day, although I had work that night starting at 8:30pm so I was absolutely exhausted on Sunday, but it was completely worth it!
AND that's not all!! When I posted the pictures Fleur liked my instagram photo and Tyler liked my tumblr post with the photo in which was so exciting to me.
So yeah! That was my Saturday, what did you all get up to at the weekend? Did any of you go to Beautycon? Who would be your favourite celebrity/youtuber to meet!?
Lots of love,
Zoe xxx