Gratitude Log


A big trend in the bullet journalling world is a gratitude log, which is basically where you list everything that you're grateful for (I think I saw this from bujo queen BohoBerry). As my current journal doesn't leave any space to add in such a list I thought instead I'd write 20 things I'm grateful for in an attempt to make myself feel a bit better and to promote more positivity.

What are you grateful for?
  1. My little dog Monty
  2. Comforting cups of tea
  3. Sunshine
  4. Having a kind and caring and supportive family
  5. Being in (reasonably!) good health
  6. Never really having gone without something I needed
  7. The opportunities I've had to go to school and university and to have a job
  8. Coffee date catchups with the besties
  9. Having friends who I go without talking to for weeks but when we see each other it's as if we've never been apart
  10. Living in a country in (relative) peace - I mean UKIP and Brexit are still scary, but compared to what some countries are going through it's nowhere near as scary
  11. The lovely blogger girls who I've discovered since beginning my blog
  12. Christmas (I bloody love it)
  13. Having lived to see my 20th year
  14. Having people in my life who help me to cope with the bad stuff
  15. Not being allergic to things (dairy especially coz cheese and chocolate are too good to live without)
  16. Having a boyfriend who treats me like a queen
  17. Pretty flowers
  18. Meeting cute neighbourhood cats 
  19. Disney existing
  20. Pretty highlighters and eyeshadow palettes and lipsticks and nail polishes

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