Tricks for being happy



Something I think everyone struggles with from time to time is maintaining their happiness. Some people struggle more than others, and I am definitely one of those people.
However, there are some things that I do that help to bring more happiness to my life.

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I try to find happiness in the little things, such as seeing a cute dog or seeing a child smile at you, or making the perfect cup of tea. All those little things definitely add up and help to increase my mood.

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Something I've seen people talk about is having a happy journal, where you write down all the things that make you happy, so that you can look back on them when you're sad. I love this idea, and I might try it out!
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In 2013 I had a jar in which I put all the funny/good memories, all the little trinkets I wanted to keep. Whenever I look through it it brings back many happy memories from that year.


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I try really hard not to listen to sad music when I don't feel that happy, as it just makes me feel worse. I find that the best music to make me happy is some good old 80s, or some Disney tunes!

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Pamper yourself! Have a nice relaxing bath, make yourself some hot chocolate, do whatever you usually do to chill out and wind down. I find having a good old pamper sesh and painting my nails helps to cheer me up.

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Try to be optimistic & positive! I'm so bad for being negative and pessimistic, but having a positive outlook really does make a difference! I try to wake up every morning and think "today is going to be a good day" and every day I say that, I find it comes true. If I believe I'll have a good day, then I'll have a decent day.


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Treat yourself! Eat whatever will cheer you up, or buy yourself a little treat every once in a while. It'll cheer you up for sure :D

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Surround yourself with positive people. Seriously. People who are moany & negative all the time will only make you feel bad yourself.

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Something I've been doing recently is having a good old spring clean. It's really good once in a while to just grit your teeth and completely clean & organise everything. I've organised & cleaned everything in my kitchen cupboards, and I'm now in the process of cleaning my work space & room!
It feels so good sometimes to get everything organised, so that you're not tripping over things. I find it allows for so much more work to be done, and it just makes me have so much more of a positive outlook on life when I can see my bedroom floor!

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Thats it! Those are some of the things I do when I don't feel so good. Sorry this was a pretty random post, I've been in a bit of a mood recently & thought this post would cheer me up. Hope you all have a lovely week.

Zoe xxx

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