Hopes for July


If you've not seen my Hopes for June post here is the link, but basically I enjoyed writing it so much that I thought I'd start a little series, in which I talk about all of the things I hope I can achieve in July. So here we go!

1. Start driving lessons
I've put it off long enough. I said I was going to learn this summer, and that's what I'll do. I'm so so so scared!! Hopefully it goes ok and doesn't make me anxious! Do any of you drivers have any tips for me?

2. Join a yoga class
My mum and I have been talking about joining a yoga class for ages, so hopefully we'll find a class to join so I can get back on track!

3. Start blogging more
I really want to start blogging a couple of times a week now that I've finished exams, so hopefully I'll be able to do that. No promises though!

4. Be more adventurous with my style
I really want to be more adventurous when it comes to clothes. I recently found @cath_belle on instagram and she has exactly the style that I want. Obviously I'm nowhere near as gorgeous as her, but I would love to take some style inspiration from her!

5. Experiment with my hair colour
Maybe not anything permanent, but I'd love to see what I look like with crazy coloured hair! I can't decide if I want to go pink, lilac or blue. Any thoughts?

What are your goals for July? How are you going to go about achieving them?

Zoe xxx

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  1. I really need to start doing driving lessons again. I also need to start pilates again, I'm just too lazy haha


    1. Haha that's exactly how I'm feeling! xxx

  2. Mine is definitely to start blogging more too! hi5!!

    Rachel x


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