Hopes For August


August is a month where summer is in full swing (unless you live in the UK!), but for me August is when Autumn thoughts start creeping into my mind. I was partly looking forward to summer and partly dreading it, and while parts of summer have been lovely, I can't stop my mind wandering to the crisp air and crunchy leaves and the fresh start ahead of me in the Autumn.

I think in my case I look forward to the transition of seasons more than the season itself. I live for seeing the first blossoms on the trees and the first lambs being born in Spring, I look forward to the crisp air and the crunchy leaves of the Autumn, and of course I adore the transition from Autumn to Winter when the leaves have long since fallen and people begin to have that excited countdown to Christmas & New Years *and in my case to my birthday too!*

Anyway, here are my hopes for August! If you didn't see my last two Hopes For posts then they are here and here!

1. Make my new uni room really homely

I'm moving into private accommodation soon for university, and the room I'm in is really plain and boring, with lots of white walls and not much furniture at all, so this month Pinterest and Primark will be my best friends as I work to create a lovely space for studying, blogging and entertaining friends.

Oh and if you have any nice Pinterest boards for bedroom decorating or anything like that then PLEASE link them!! My pinterest is here if you'd like to check out my boards! 

2. Save up some money

I'm not the best at saving money, so this month I'd like to try again to save up some money to be able to pay rent and so that I can buy some nice things!

3. Get back into crafts & DIY

Growing up with a very crafty mother has made me also very into crafts, but I'm unfortunately pretty lazy when it comes to crafts, which is a shame because I love it, I just often can't be bothered to pick up the knitting needles or scrapbooking paper. So this month I want to get back into crafting so I can have some downtime!

4. Work out more!

I had to take a break from exercising when I got sunburnt because it hurt too much to move, and then I went away so I've found it very difficult to work out this month, so hopefully August will allow more time for exercising, whether it's walking or yoga or swimming. There are several leisure centres within walking distance from my house so I have no excuse!!

5. Add to my skincare routine (and stick to it!)

This year I've been trying really hard to establish a skincare routine that works for me, as I've struggled a lot with my skin in the past, so I'm trying my best to invest in a good skincare regime that'll make my skin look & feel a lot better. This month I'd like to invest in some more good products, such as a good toner and eye cream. 

That's what I'm trying to work on in August, what are your goals for the month?


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  1. Sticking to a skincare routine is always so difficult for me! I love the Clinique eye cream though if you're looking for a high end one :) x

    Phoebe | Phoebe’s Diaries

  2. Great post Zoe! Exercising is for sure on my list too haha


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