Inspiration for my new room
15:32I'm moving.
Not permanently I hasten to add, just back up to where my university, which means I'm moving all of my things from my 'home room' up to my new 'university room'. In fact, as you read this I'm probably already at my new house trying desperately to find my teabags or cheese grater or something...
So, I guess it's time to start planning what I want my new room to look like.
I have this wild vision about how Pinterest-worthy my new room will be, but lets face the facts here. It's a rented house, so I can't do anything crazy. I can't paint the walls, I can't change the furniture (no white IKEA furniture for me), I can't rip up the carpets and get pristine white floorboards, I can't even put up curtains to replace the ugly blind that's currently in place on my large square set back window, with a lovely view of...another property probably not even 15 feet away from my window. Plus, I don't exactly have a huge budget with which to achieve the room of my dreams.
Basically I don't exactly have a lot to work with. But this girl loves a challenge, so I've been scouring Pinterest for some nifty ways to make my white walled empty canvas into a comfortable and blogger-worthy bedroom. And today I thought I'd share my plans with you!
I haven't really decided on the colours cheme. I love turquoise, mint, baby pink, silver, gold and white. Obviously I can't have all of those.... it's so hard to pick they're all such pretty colours! I can't quite decide if I want to have turquoise or mint as my laptop cover is turquoise and my planner mint, so I'll have a play around and see what I can find in either colour. I'd like to have some baby pink as that's my main blog colour which I would find quite inspiring, and silver as I have all silver electronics, and I love the colour silver, and I think it goes lovely with the other colours I'm considering. Or possibly gold because gold is so pretty.... UGH DECISIONS.
I also want TONS of photos around my room to cover the walls, and so I can be happy every time I see pictures of my friends and family and my dog. I would also like to have some inspiring quotes on the walls or framed on the desk to keep me motivated for this coming year. I think it's so important to have a space that continually motivates and inspires you so that you can use the space to work really effectively.
I've begun buying some new bits for my room, and once I've collected enough I'll make a haul post!
Anyway, enough with the writing, I want to show you some pictures I've recently pinned which I'd like to incorporate into my bedroom design. If you'd like to follow my Uni Room board then please feel free! Also, leave your Pinterest links in the comments as I am obsessed with Pinterest at the moment and love to find new people to follow
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Im going to do a bedroom wish list post in a few days with specific things I want, so I'll link that when it's up!
***Apologies for the silence on my social networks the last few days, but now I've moved I'll be getting back into my blogging routine!