My Busy Months Part 1: APRIL
12:00I've been feeling the itch in my fingers to blog again for a while now, but in between university stress, working part time and sleeping it's been impossible to find time to blog. However, I'm pleased to report that I'm finished with my second year at university, and so now will have loads more time to write!! Wooo!
Today I thought I'd start to update you on all the fun and crazy things I've been up to in the last few months, in case you aren't following me on Twitter or Instagram and haven't been keeping updated!! Since it's been so long since I've last blogged I'm going to do a three-part series, starting with the end of March through to the end of April!
So what's new in my life? Well, I've been getting vastly improved results at university, I've got myself a lovely new boyfriend, and I've been spending some much needed time building my relationships with my friends and family, and saying yes to more things. I've lived an amazing, happy, love-filled life the last few months, and it's been lovely.
I went home at the end of March for the Easter holidays, and I got to meet a new little baby who has completely stolen my heart, along with her brother. She is absolutely adorable, definitely improved my opinion on babies and children!
I went home at the end of March for the Easter holidays, and I got to meet a new little baby who has completely stolen my heart, along with her brother. She is absolutely adorable, definitely improved my opinion on babies and children!
I spent lots of quality time with my dog over the holiday, I miss him terribly when I'm not at home, as it's quite lonely at my uni house without having a little dog trotting around! I've always had pets at home so it's been a tough adjustment at university.
I also finally upgraded my tired iPhone 4s to an iPhone 5s (yes it's not an iPhone 6s+ but it's all I could afford!!), and I absolutely love it. It's so handy, it's fast, it's got enough space for all my apps and photos, and the picture quality is sooooo much better!
Then I went back up to uni mid-April for the beginning of summer term at uni. This involved lots of revising, procrastinating with snapchat and having picnics!
I also went on several biology field trips this month, including several graveyards to study lichens (yeah, riveting I know), and also the zoo!
I also got treated to an amazing day out at Wisley gardens. I'd never been before, and I'd seriously recommend it if you are looking for a nice day out and some lovely scenery! I'm going to go back soon and take my mum as she's very into gardening and flowers and would absolutely love it!

Then one of my best friends came down to stay for a couple of days. I've known her since we were both about 3, she's the longest friend I've ever had! I don't see her very often unfortunately, but that makes the time we do spend together even more special.
And that was April! Stay tuned tomorrow for what I got up to in May, and I'll also be posting on Thursday and Saturday this week, so keep an eye out for those! Can't wait to get back into blogging really often again!