My Busy Months Part 2: MAY


So, with busy April over and done with, it was time for even-busier May! May is when my university year starts to ramp up and hurtle towards exam period, so May was full of revising, and even more full of procrastinating... My town is absolutely beautiful at this point in the school year, so I spent a few lovely afternoons sat by the lake enjoying a cup of tea and a catch up with my mum on the phone basking in the sun, and wandering around town. The warm weather and sunshine that we had fleetingly in May really helped to get me out of my slump after the last few cold months we'd had.

One of my favourite places this time of year is Guildford Castle, because all the tulips are in full bloom, and tulips are some of my favourite flowers. I love how vibrant and beautiful they are!

Midway through May was one of the most hectic weekends of my life! On Friday one of my old friends from Canada came over to stay a night, on Saturday I had a ball celebrating the end of the year with my biology course, Sunday was my boyfriend's football final that I went to watch with his family, and Monday was his birthday! It was one of my favourite weekends in my whole life, I had so much fun.


Then my boyfriend took me to one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. It's called Newlands Corner in Surrey, and if you're ever in the Surrey area then you definitely need to go visit, because the views of the surrounding countryside are absolutely breathtaking, the photos do not do it justice at all! I had an amazing day, aside from falling down a rabbit hole a-la Alice in Wonderland!! Not my most graceful of moments!

Then at the end of May me and the boyf went to the Surrey County Show. It was one of the most overwhelmingly farm-y things I've ever experienced, and being a country girl from Kent I absolutely loved it. There were so many cute animals that I was like a giddy little child!


Aaaand that was May! If you're enjoying this three part series so far, then please let me know! Also, comment down below what your favourite thing was that you did in May! If you didn't see part 1 where I talk about April, then click here, and come back tomorrow at 12 for a recap on June so far!

Lots of love,

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