Sunday Post: Keeping afloat

It's not been easy this week. I've spent a lot of the week stressing about various things which I won't go into too much detail about, but it's consumed a lot of my time and brain power, and has made me feel a bit uneasy and emotional. Nothing too major, just having a bit of a stressful week.

It's a bit difficult to keep afloat sometimes, I tend to really get bogged down in things and affected by things in a huge way. This week has been tough to get on with, but it's over now and I'm on to more exciting things (when you're reading this post I'm going to be on my way to Liverpool for the week to catch up with some family I haven't seen for a few years, so that's always nice to cheer me up!)

It's been really nice to be home despite missing certain things about uni, obviously getting to spend time with my family has been nice, and I got to see the home-bestie which was fun, had a good old catch up.

I've made a lot of time for hobbies since I've been home, as at uni I find it's quite difficult to make time for things like that. I read a book (Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell,  it was absolutely amazing I loved it), and I'm also making myself some bunting for my bedroom. I'm quite enjoying the challenge as I've never properly used a sewing machine before, and learning new skills is always good, albeit a bit frustrating as I hate not being instantly good at things!!

Another project I've started this week is the long and laborious task of decluttering my bedroom. Having moved around a fair bit all my stuff has been chucked in boxes which haven't been cracked open since I was about 16. It's safe to say my room is getting overwhelmingly cluttered with things I didn't even remember having, so I've been ruthless in my donating and chucking things I no longer have a use for. I'm only halfway through so my room is an absolute state still while I'm sorting through it all, but I can't wait till it's finished and I can really make my room my own space again. It was long overdue!

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  1. Decluttering your room sounds like a good project for some reason I always find it so relaxing to do lol and it's one of my projects this Summer too. I hope you're having a brilliant time in Liverpool :)

    1. It is relaxing isn't it? I had an amazing time, I loved it! Hope you're having a good summer too Izzy xx


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